Theatre Residency
We are now taking applications for theatre residencies. We offer rehearsal/performance space, equipment, marketing support and technical support.
Our studio is a large, open room with lots of equipment, versatile space and the potential for experimentation. We are open to ideas and welcome the weird and the wonderful.
The deal: Sunday - Wednesday residency straight hire £500 with the option to do paid performances in the evenings and rehearsals in the day, with all the door money going to the company. Or, a 50/50 split of the door takings (with a £250 deposit/guarantee).
Get in contact to find out more or to save your date.
Capacity : 160.
17m by 10m by 3m ceiling height.
Acoustics, Light & Space
The Others has been acoustically treated for an excellent live sound and is used by many musicians for recording as well as TV and film.
There is excellent natural light from south facing 2.2m high windows running the length of the building, (blackable).
The space (furniture, equipment, lights) can easily be arranged to suit purpose.
Audio Equipment
Mixing Desk Allen and Heath GL2400 4 group, 6 aux, 7×4 matrix console.
Stereo P.A.
4 Db.Technology Monitors
6 SM58 1 SM57 Mics and stands, 3 DI boxes, Mackie 12 channel Mixer
Lights with Dimmer Board:
24 Channel Dimmer Board
Prelude 16/30
Strand Brio 18/30
2 Strand 28/40
2 Strand 25/50
12 Track Mounted White and Coloured Spots 50w
4 portable Birdies (mini cans) 50w
Digital Projection:
There are 2 digital projectors available, both connected to DVD players.
D.P.1 - 1800 lumens. Inputs - Video, VGA for PC Laptops, Firewire 1 & 2 for Macs.
D.P.2 - 1800 lumens. Inputs - Video, VGA for PC Laptops.
There is a main screen 4.5m by 2.8m.
The walls are are designed for visuals containing five, 4.5m by 2.2m screens.
You are welcome to bring visuals to play during the performance/event.
Analogue Projection:
2 Kodak 2020 carousel slide projectors with auto rotate timer switches (0-45 secs) You are welcome to bring your own slide shows (in their own carousels....) to play during the performance/event.
DJ Equipment
2 Technics 1210s with Concorde cartridges and a CD player thru a Smac 2 channel dj mixer
there are many 'mini jack' leads to plug in laptops, ipods, etc
Band Gear
Kawai Electric mini grand piano.
70's Pearl Kit, Bass Drum, kick pedal, floor tom, snare stand, hihat stand and 3 cymbal stands
bass amp - 15″ 120W
guitar amp - Vox AC 30
guitar amp - Roland JC120
guitar amp - H&H spring reverb twin 10″ 100W
guitar/keyboard amp - Farfisa 100w spring reverb twin 10"
please note, these amps are for instrument use only, not electric powered,electronics/fx/feedbackloops/etc. You are welcome to bring your own amps.
Contact the Venue Manager if you have any queries.